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September 20, 2006 | Autumn Equinox

Thanksgiving, Forgiveness and Repentance

Well, most of you know already that I have spent the last month moving from the UK, back to my birthplace in Canada. My partner and I have rented a lovely orchard and house on Salt Spring Island, BC - halfway between Vancouver and Vancouver Island.

I have already made plum chutney, blackberry cordial and frozen pounds of plums, apples, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries. The pickers come in next week to make 'cider' with the apples and pears, and I have plans for the sweet chestnuts and walnuts that are almost ready to harvest.

This morning I was woken up by two raccoons playing on the woodpile and shortly after watched an altercation between a Stellar Jay and a very small squirrel over the bird feeder. There is a beautiful yellow tree outside my study window, which is currently full of chickadees, wrens, grosbeaks and towhees. We have six resident deer, four of which are babies, and every afternoon the ravens and tree frogs have a singsong, so it is pretty idyllic.

This last month has given me time for a lot of physical and spiritual introspection and to take stock of what has been accomplished in the past year, and I realised that, yet again, the Universe is amazing with her timing.

The 21st to 23rd September is going to be the most fantastic 3 days of this year: it is the Equinox, featuring a New Moon and a solar eclipse, Mayan New Year and the 22nd is also the eve of Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the Jewish period of Repentence and Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanah comes at the end of the month of Elul, the period of 'stocktaking and introspection' or month of 'Divine Mercy and Forgiveness' which started on the 25th August (our departure date!)

What is amazing about the Universe's timing is that a week ago, I received an email calling all Lightworkers to help shift the mass consciousness of war into peace, between this period in September, when the planetary alignment can help us tap into the ancient past to help recreate and heal it.

How perfect is it, that these planets are aligned at the period also focusing on forgiveness - self and Divine, because that is what repentance is - acknowledgement and forgiveness of self. And with the Divine behind us 100% - no matter what Faith one believes in - we can truly heal ourselves, our past, our world and establish the future that we want, with no dream too big.

In this newsletter, I am passing on the information about the peace work to be done in September (including a lovely meditation you can do in your favourite place), and some information about Quantum Repentance, which ties in with the current theme beautifully.

So with that longer than normal introduction, I wish all of you a sweet and bountiful Harvest, with continued sweetness through out the Winter months. L'Shanah Tovah.

Yours in health, Rasma


Please email me or ring (250) 538-1804 to book.

Salt Spring Island, BC

I am operating a mobile clinic for both Sekhem and Quantum Biofeedback, so will come to your home at a date and time suitable for you.


Sessions currently available on the following dates (liable to change):

26th September; 30th September; 25th October; 22nd November; 20th December.

Other dates may be available - feel free to ask...

All sessions now available by subspace.

Other Events

SALT SPRING START UP: Special Deals for Salt Spring Islanders

1. Book a 2-hour Quantum Session ($175) between September and November, and receive a Sekhem session 1/2 price ($40)
2. 2 for 1 on all Sekhem Sessions until November 1st (worth $160)

Quantum taster sessions available: $20 - why not get a group together for a pampering party?

Scottish SCIO Network (SSN) Meetings

These meetings are now being convened by Azizah Clayton.

My Qualifications

  • BSc (Hons) Health & Disease
  • Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine (in progress)
  • Diploma of Nutrition
  • Advanced Certificate Quantum Biofeedback(EPFX/SCIO)
  • Sekhem Master in Training
  • Soul Survival and Creation Trainer
  • Emotional Freedom Technique Basic Level
  • Indian Head Massage

How to Contact Me

Phone: (250) 538-1804 - I check messages regularly
Email: rasma@quantumnorth.com
Website: www.quantumnorth.com


What we can do to shift the mass consciousness of war into Peace during the powerful days of this September? (thanks to Vicki Rebecca for passing the heart of this on from one of her friends)

Living in North America now, it was hard to miss the 5th anniversary of 9/11, and it seems even more appropriate that September has become a month where we can do something proactive and positive about attaining peace on our planet.

We live on a planet that operates within cycles of time. We are cycling back over the time in which Atlantis fell, giving us a powerful window of opportunity to heal the damage unconscious and conscious acts caused at the time. We also have the Equinox coming up on September 21 to 23. We will experience some powerful planetary assistance at this time, which we can tap into to recreate and heal the past. We can being the process of opening our eyes to a different reality and clear out our own past mistakes.

The Equinox has a balance of solar energy on the planet - an equal day and night that radiates perfect balance on the planet. The Ancients have known for eons that working with equinoxes can have multiplicating effects. On 22nd September there will be a solar eclipse. Partial phases of the eclipse are visible from Peru, where a group will be working in the Andes. There is also a New Moon on this date, and also don't forget the International Day of Peace on 21st September. There are 1500 supporting organisations in over 160 nations. Over 600 events are posted on www.internationaldayofpeace.org

You may also be interested in the Peace Chain: Peace jewellery designed by Elizabeth Harley www.peaceonearth.org.uk.
I wear my peace chain a lot and not only get many lovely comments on it, but also find it helps me feel peaceful and calms my aura.


So you can help, by finding a quiet space and gently reading, reflecting and thinking through the following meditation:

So I AM and WE ARE all calling on the power of the Masters of Light and our own inner creative God Power for assistance and clarity, so we all can SEE and LIVE Peace in these powerful Equinox days. I AM and WE ARE intending to shift the collective consciousness to an age of PEACE. Anything less than Peace we ask be dumped into the universal recycle bin. And so it is.

Make a simple affirmation, for example: I see and live peace within my life, and repeat it as many times as you can from now on. Visualise yourself living peacefully and really feel how it feels to be peaceful. If we can change our collective mind...we can change our planet. Anything and everything we imagine is possible. So dream BIG, DREAM BIG.


During this period of stocktaking and global peace work, you may be wondering how 'little old' you can actually help the world, let alone yourself.

If you are like most of us, you probably know that there are defective goods clogging up your spiritual warehouse (you may even be unaware that you have a spiritual warehouse, or maybe have firmly locked the door on it at some point in your life). But imagine if you could turn your worst liabilities into precious assets.

Guess what! It can be a daily reality thanks to wave particle duality...uh oh...I see your eyes glazing over. Please bear with me while we delve into the subatomic world of the quantum (a word you must be familiar with now from knowing me).

Wave particle duality is an amazing property of nature - based on the idea that things are literally what you choose them to be. We have the ability to create our own selves and reality by basic observer power.

Science example: you have a wall with two slits, through which you are going to send some photons (light particles). If you choose to see the photons in a wave form they pass through both slits, but if you only want to see particles, then they only pass through one slit. Choosing the wave makes it a wave since conception, conversely the particles remain as particles from the point of emission, even though you may choose to see them as one or the other half way through the observation process. The 'observer power' dictates what they appear as retroactively back to origin. So it doesn't matter if you are 2, 22 or 102 - if your life is particles and you decide now to see your life as a photon wave, it will have been a photon wave since the day of your birth.

You are probably asking how an observation you are making now is changing things earlier...it just cannot make any sense...and yet it does (the science example was tested and successfully proved between 1978 to 1984 by John Wheeler who concocted a thought experiment to test this time travel effect observers have on quantum systems.) Observer choices made now determine the history of quanta in the past, whether that past is nanoseconds, minutes or millennia ago. That is why the peace collective meditation above can shift the consciousness and recreate/heal negative actions from Atlantis.

A simpler biofeedback example is when a Live Blood Cell Analysis machine is hooked up to a SCIO device (also hooked up to a client). A sample of the client's blood is put into the LBCAM and the changes to the blood sample can be witnessed live through a microscope. As the SCIO system helps to balance any anomalies to the client's blood, the actual proof of the change can be seen in the blood under the microscope, even though it is no longer in the client's body - because the changes go back to the complete origin.

And, although the subatomic world works in tiny little protons and neutrons, the entire cosmos is made of this stuff, so any observations and all observations share this remarkable property. We can re-create all of history and even pre-history by opening our eyes in the morning or doing some visualisation exercises (seeding them into the cosmos consciousness).

So, we all have some fixing up to do, and this will be on all different levels: there's a basic type of restoration that rights a wrong, repays a debt, gets us back to level ground. And then there is another, higher mode of Repentance, where negatives get transformed into positives; where errors become assets; where even intentional sins become merits; where darkness gets transformed into light. And here is where photons can illuminate our spiritual life as well.

By choosing to return every morning in the best possible way, we demonstrate to the creator within that we are in tune with the possibility of re-inventing ourselves, of transcending sustainability and achieving perfection within ourselves and the world.

What happens within ourselves, gets reflected into our world, just as what happens in our world influences what goes on within us, so if we are choosing to be a perfect set of photons, we will have been the perfect set of photons since the day of our conception. All we need to do is make that choice, and this is the month to do it.

I will finish up with a quote from Bruce Lipton's book 'Biology of Belief': "You can live a life of fear or a life of love. You have the choice! But I can tell you that if you choose to see a world full of love, your body will respond by growing in health."

Spotlight on a Friend

Jason Schroeder: Sacred Way

Most people go through their lives never realising the potential that they have. They never realise that all human beings are born equal in the ability to 'create' their own reality and life experiences. The problem is that just like our parent's complain that there wasn't a manual when we were born - we don't have an index in our heads that says 'to realise your dreams, go to page 164' and we think and therefore believe we don't know how to do it.

Jason Schroeder (another wonderful South African in my life) is a practicing Tribal Energy Healer, international trainer and speaker, and Youth Worker who lives in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. He is in tune with some of the most sacred spaces in Scotland, leads tours around stone circles and sacred sites, and is the driving force behind the successful Breemie Midsummer Festival. He has also developed a month long course that can provide you with the manual to attain your dreams, as long as you are willing to write it.

As he says: "Surviving or Creating your Life is a PROCESS. That means it is interactive; it means you have to do stuff. You don't come to the training, listen to what I have to say and that's it. This is about you and if you want to create a 'change' in your life then that takes you 'doing' it. Afterall, you want to be in the driving seat, don't you?"

I personally found the course inspirational, both for my own self growth and to take to Canada with me to teach others. Learning the skills and tools to ensure positivity and control unwanted thoughts, allows 'the real me' - my soul self, to stay front and centre; that really has been the most rewarding aspect of the course. I recommend it for all those searching for themselves, wanting to learn how to move through fear and ego, and those wanting to have the tools to realise their dreams and aspirations.

To get in touch with Jason, visit his website at www.sacredway.co.uk

Favourite Flavours

Apricot Glazed Carrots with Peppers

It is traditional at Rosh Hashannah to have food that is prepared in something sweet - like an apple dipped in honey, to represent the sweetness that you would like to have in your life. Carrots are traditionally served to symbolise a sweet, bountiful year. The following recipe is one I am going to bring to my first dinner party on Salt Spring Island - thank you, Andrea Rabinovitch for being so welcoming to a newcomer.

2lb carrots
1 red pepper (diced)
1 onion (diced)
1/4 cup apricot jam
2Tbs fresh dill, minced
sea salt and cracked black pepper

Slice carrots 1/2 inch thick. Cook in boiling, salted water until nearly tender (10 to 12 minutes). Add red pepper and onion and simmer 4 to 5 minutes longer. Drain well and return to heat. Stir in the jam and dill; mix well. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Serves 6 and is a good source of potassium, calcium, iron and fibre. 100 calories per serving.

House keeping:

1. Please feel free to pass this on to people you think may be interested or would benefit from a therapy session.

2. If you do not want to receive this regular mailing, please unsubscribe by following the clear link.

3. Likewise, if you have received this via someone else, and would like to be added to the group, please join the mailing list or send me your email address.

4. If you work for a company, where staff might benefit from stress reduction sessions, please pass this on to your HR manager.

Copyright 2005 Quantum North.