Take responsibility for your own health. Quantum North


"THANK YOU Rasma. You give me hope. It means so much to me to reach out to Rahasia via you. You have no idea." - Natascha W. (cat owner), BC

"Thank you so much, Rasma. Nice to regroup and get a focus for Ember. I will gather some of those remedies and see how she does." - Karlin C. (dog owner), Duncan

"Such an interesting experience! :-) I listen to your counsel and have applied it consciously in my day to day flow since quantum's transformation. This unlocked and opened doors on my path. Facilitating release, healing, clarity and rising. Thank you." - Tovel B., Montreal

"Hi Rasma, you are brilliant!! Amazing material. I've read it over quickly and am now working my way through it slowly and really taking it in. I will report back in due course but I just wanted to let you know my gratitude and share with you something that has really shifted." - Christina N., UK

"Thanks so much for your speedy response to Cricket's needs. Your analysis makes for interesting thought and I have already taken action as a result. Your analysis about fear makes a lot of sense." - Sue M. (dog owner), Victoria BC

"Rasma, this is wonderful. Thank you so very much. I've been out today and got many of the things you recommended, and I will be reading and rereading this [report] for a couple of days so that I can assimilate it all. A lot of your thoughts chime with what I already know, or make perfect sense." - Zarich C-H. (dog owner), UK

"Thank you again for today... I definitely feel as something has shifted. I'm sure that more will come through in time :) I want to continue Sekhem studies with you." - Kaia M., Salt Spring BC

"I integrated the [sekhem] symbols into my massage yesterday and everything flows so beautifully. I feel like I am dancing when I do treatments now. It's a strange, but absolutely beautiful sensation and I am so fortunate to share this with my clients." - Casey Mulcaster, Armana Holistic, Victoria BC

"There has been a definite shift and I've been feeling better and better as the day wore on. Feeling a diamond like energy of confidence building. So very optimistic and hopeful." - Anon., Salt Spring BC

"Your comments helped to steady me back into what this path is unfolding into." - Jane D., Salt Spring BC

"I was pleased and comforted to read your recent newsletter, particularly about your previous reservations regarding conventional medicine. I have exactly the same reservations, even though I accept that conventional medicine can do wonders. So I felt more positive after reading your thoughts on the matter. It is of course a personal experience but it was good to hear your views." - Marlene U., Aberdeenshire

"Hi Rasma...wow, quantum training was great...so grateful for the pretraining you gave me...I don't think I would have kept up [in class] without it! You have a lot of patience with my learning process, and that's not only very helpful, but makes it much more fun to learn as well..." - Crystal W., Duncan BC

"I just wanted to thank you for doing Ian's Biofeedback! I think he was skeptical at first, but he was a believer by the end! He came home excited because he got lots of answers...It was some great info that you sent him home with. I liked the list of food." - Claire S., Salt Spring BC

"Its all exciting I feel a real positive change coming and something great at the end of it. Thanks for all the guidance." - Loreen M., Aberdeen

"...and thank you for the Sekhem earlier in the week...I'd let things overwhelm me for a few days, but the Sekhem has definately helped me to 'snap out of it' - and I love the cosmic bank - I've made a couple of small withdrawals - both extremely helpful!!" - Mel D., Ramstone

"I do feel that the sessions I had with you turned me around in many ways. I also got a very successful antifungal detox programme from you which helped tremendously. Best wishes to you and I did so enjoy the sessions we had." - Tricia G., Inverness

"Sekhem has opened old, closed spaces within me and allowed amazing healing; I believe this to be a direct combination of the modality, and the healer. Rasma creates safe, sacred space and with wit and insight allows her clients to create their own Medicine. What a gift." - Shelley L., Salt Spring BC

"On behalf of the Grads Wellness Group, I am writing to extend a sincere thank-you for your wonderful presentation yesterday. It was exciting to learn of the potential that Biofeedback and Sekhem hold in the health field. Not only was your talk interesting and educational ,it also was very entertaining due to your warm personality and delightful sense of humour. I am sure you know from the applause you received that everyone enjoyed themselves - and they'll be busy planning "tasters" groups! We wish you well in expanding your practice and look forward to seeing you again." - Wilma D, Victoria BC

"Thank you for seeing me yesterday; when I left you I hadn't felt so buoyant and 'here' for a long time. I really wish I had met you ages ago. You have such a light and clear energy." - Sue Mc, Strathdon

"I wanted to let you know that I have done it! I passed my Driving Test on Sunday. Thanks for your help with Sekhem - I am sure it helped" - Catherine H., Aberdeen

"[Your] newsletter is very informative and I decided to share it with my co-workers. Living up here in the North (Yellowknife) really takes a toll on our well being as you know and right now we are all struggling with the darkness and the cold temperatures." - Charlene, Yellowknife

"Firstly, thank you for giving me Sekhem healing. When I woke up on Wed morn, I didn't feel great, but then for the rest of the day I had much less discomfort, and no pain! Happily, this lasted all day Wed, and all day Thurs." - Naomi M, Aberdeen

"I am so very, very grateful for your information. It made all the difference in the effectiveness of the treatment I got. When the osteopath had no answers or solutions I went to a chiropractor. Your information I passed on to her made the treatment effective enough that I now do not need pills for the pain or inflammation. And I can sleep again which is the best medicine of all. As far as I am concerned, it was money well spent. I am now aware of another option to assess my overall health and ways to help my body improve it's level of wellness without the usual chemicals. So, thank you for your assessment suggestions - I will follow up on them." - Marjolyn W., Victoria BC

"Rasma has the ability to hear the place within their being, that the client is really coming from and to assess the sensitivity of the issue in order to know which layer is safe and constructive to work with. She can work with the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects in balance." - Dr John Kelsey, BioEnergy Partnership, Birmingham

"Since my appt I have tried to avoid, where I can, the other items on your list and I have noticed a slight improvement in my rhinitis. The biggest difference is I no longer have itchy skin since I started using glycerine-free products." - Janice S, Peterhead

"I just want to say how impressed I am with your website - your newsletter is inspiring; I believe so much in what you do... So basically Ras, I just want to give you a big pat on the back for doing what you're doing, keep up the good work!" - Frances C, Strathdon

"I've just packed my job in - it wasn't working. You must have healed something to make me take action!!" - Deborah McV, Edinburgh

"There have been a few occasions since my 'illness' started where I have felt completely humbled by what is going on in my head, and our session on Wednesday was one of them. I do, however, feel that is has a positive effect after reaching this point, hard though it may be to accept that a lot of my problems are self-motivated." - Rachel H, Nairn

" Thank you very much, Rasma, for your help. I have made huge progress since seeing you. It took me a long time to wake up...I am now feeling generally fitter and healthier than ever." - Ruth A, Aberdeen

"I think the session with the [quantum biofeedback] has propelled me into making major changes...and I still have good levels of energy." - Jackie Q, Edinburgh

"If I could afford to pay to have all my friends assessed, I would tomorrow." - Jamie C., Aberdeen

"If anything, it's a positive thing to talk to someone, look at yourself and become aware of your body's needs and your mind's workings. An interesting and relaxing 2 hours which I much needed and will benefit from I'm sure!" - Julie W., Aberdeen

"I have felt better in the last 2 weeks than I have for the last few months. My pain level is down and I seem to have less fatigue." - Susan M., Vancouver BC

"It's the best therapy that gives you accurate feedback. Worth every penny! Definitely what everyone, with any concern, needs." - Euan M., Aberdeen

"Thank you so much for getting back to me and the attachment is superb and really informative especially the dietary section." - Rhonda C., Glasgow

Copyright 2005 Quantum North.