Take responsibility for your own health. Quantum North

Quantum Biofeedback has a wide range of ways to assess and rebalance health issues. Peeling back the layers and using the Indigo to re-train cell memory. My top specialities are:

  • Geopathic Stress : Land Health Benefiting our Symbiosis
  • Loyal Companions : Pet Health - a Mirror for Owners
  • Spiritual Growth : Anger, Grief, Fear, Love, Light, Wisdom, Divinity
  • A-Z support for identified medical diagnoses and treatment plans
  • Immune Support & Allergy Work
  • Behavioural & Emotional Work: Adults, Children, Pets
  • Addiction & Self Sabotage
  • Dying with Dignity

Stress and Health

Janos Seyle was a Hungarian medical genius; he first coined the word 'stress'. Seyle's theory is that stress is the start of all disease. When stress first appears it produces an alarm reaction - the 'symptom'. If the stressor persists then the disease goes deeper while the symptom disappears. This is known as the adaptation stage. If the source of stress continues, eventually the organism will exhaust and the exhaustion stage of deep incurable disease takes place.

We are now more aware of our own energy fields, which have many layers. The alarm stage mentioned above is the warning system that stress has made it through our 'firewalls' or subtle bodies, and is now creating dis-ease on the physical body plane. Its seems so simple that the ideal path to well-being is to keep our outer defences strong so stress cannot affect us on the physical. Easier said than done.

Early stress detection and reduction, therefore, is crucial, as it can take much longer to bring the body back from exhaustion stage.

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What is Quantum Biofeedback?

Using a device called INDIGO, we harness your cell frequencies to communicate with your conscious mind using me, the practitioner, as interpreter. The stronger the partnership between the practitioner, client and computer device, the more effective the results.

The session starts with a quick painless test that asks for the cells reaction (biofeedback) to a database of vibrational stimulus. This is like a virus check on a computer, and throughout the therapy part of the session, we focus on weaknesses, allergies, toxic reactions, abnormalities, and imbalances that are identified in this test.

Once the test is complete, the system identifies what kind of 'therapy programme' will work for you - Quantum Biofeedback is a therapy in itself because appropriate vibrations can be sent back to the cells to remind them of their original blueprint.

The system may identify that your healing path will be better served by visiting a homeopath, chiropractor, or medical doctor, and the system can identify appropriate lifestyle changes - the usual suspects being nutrition, exercise, sleep etc.

While not everyone responds to the vibrational healing aspect of Quantum Biofeedback, everyone benefits from the wealth of information they get about themselves and the view to moving forward. It is the ultimate annual health check.

Who Uses This Therapy

  • those seeking a proactive way to be involved in bettering their health, life and well-being
  • those working through an issue with a clear medical diagnoses i.e. cancer
  • cats respond particularly well therapeutically, as do horses - my animal clients have included many of the above, as well as goldfish, snakes, dogs, bees, chickens, ferrets, deer and even an elephant!
  • my work has led me into the environmental field - clearing or protecting areas with high trauma, geopathic stress or leyline activity: if it has an address or description, the system can lock on

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Quantum Biofeedback - a little more in-depth

All things in life vibrate or resonate at certain frequencies, unique to each item. For example, a grape and a peanut have a difference resonance; swine flu and lyme disease have a different vibration. You have a completely unique cell frequency that is different from your mother or son. Even identical twins have resonant differences, although their DNA is identical.

The system calibrates your cell frequency and then tests your reactivity to the frequencies of around 10,000 compounds in the database. These range from everyday items like vitamins, beauty products, and foods to things you would rather not come into contact with like toxins, pathogens, or pollutants. You are also tested with the vibrational version of remedies including flower essences, homeopathics, herbs and medications.

My job is to assess the test information and see the path to restore balance. The system indicates needs, dysfunctions and vulnerabilities. I look for the patterns of health - the energetic state of your body and the direction in which it is focusing its energy. I look at all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - to find the links between them.

The test process is quick (around 5 minutes), non-invasive and can be performed on humans, land and animals, even at great distances. The test may:

  • provide information to back up your instincts
  • backup a medical diagnosis
  • support a medical treatment plan
  • provide the links between various conditions
  • tell you what is causing a problem
  • suggest ways of dealing with a problem

In today's society it is unlikely that anyone feels 100% healthy. Much of this is due to our lifestyle choices - where we live; how much we party; the type of work we do...

The system provides information that you can work with to make adjustments to your lifestyle. In the hands of a qualified medical professional it is a powerful diagnostic and treatment tool. In the hands of a trained complementary practitioner, it is a powerful assessment, educational and balancing gift.

It is used, worldwide, by acupuncturists, allergists, chiropractors, dentists, GPs and other doctors, herbalists, homeopaths, naturopaths, veterinarians and nutritionists. While this system can be integrated into existing practices, it is also a powerful stand-alone therapy.

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How is it set up?

You are connected to a small electro-magnetic device called INDIGO, with a head band, and wrist/ankle straps. This provides the two-way interface that allows testing and therapy.

During the session, the system continually measures your body's reaction to gauge if there is a benefit. If there is no improvement, the input resonance is altered. Each beneficial setting is kept as long as it is helping and is changed when it is no longer useful.

How does Quantum Biofeedback help?

The system outlines anything that is affecting your health and wellness. For example, if you have digestive trouble, the system may show that you had salmonella as a child, which is still causing problems. Reactions to various types of foods, chemicals, and other substances are revealed and can be further investigated by talking to you and establishing patterns through the programmes. The system points the way for you to take responsibility for your own health.

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What do I come away with?

This varies from person to person. Everyone responds differently to a quantum biofeedback session, and it depends on your motivation for coming in the first place! Most people fall into the following categories:

  • General Wellness - they take their information away and run with it themselves, or come back for a regular health checkup.

  • Specific Illness - confirmation of existing diagnosis, medication etc; they take away information relating to diet and lifestyle; many choose to have regular appointments because the therapeutic effects of the system work for them.

  • Stress reduction - these people find that the system really helps to reduce their stress/emotional levels and they come once every 4 -6 weeks.

  • Motivated - these people are specifically using the device as a developmental system to go further in their own spiritual process.

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    Can children benefit from Quantum Biofeedback?

    Quantum Biofeedback is ideally suited to babies and children, as they are often unable to verbally communicate what they are experiencing. Parents with children labelled as ADD, ADHD, dyslexic, autistic or other issues have seen considerable improvements; quantum biofeedback can unearth contributing factors, including trauma or toxins from foetal stages. Babies or new mothers can also benefit, particularly for colic, mastitis and sleep problems.

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    For those who want to know the science...

    This particular biofeedback system started its evolution in the late '70s through research into bio-response healing, otherwise known as Energetic Medicine. Professor William Nelson is the creator, and worked with input by medical and alternative practitioners from Britain, USA, South Africa, China, Hungary, Canada,Russia and other countries worldwide to develop the software programmes.

    The basis of bio-electrical medicine is in the combination of voltage, amperage and resistance. The only things that can truly be measured electrically are voltage and amperage. Everything else is a mathematical variation of voltage and amperage. The INDIGO device starts by measuring multiple channels of this information. Multiple channels are needed so that variations in the electrical potential and flow of the whole body can be observed.

    These are measured at the extremities and the head. This direct measurement is of four channels of voltage, four of amperage, and four of resistance. These are received by a computer via the device, with the computer acting as a frequency counter for receiving this data. This makes an active twelve-channel measuring device. Other calculations are made mathematically.

    Resistance can not be measured directly, it must be calculated from an amperage or voltage meter. In the same way a capacitance meter can not directly measure capacitance it must perform a mathematical adjustment of voltage and amperage flow. These calculations are referred to as 'virtual' or 'mathematical' measures, so even the single-channel resistance devices of electroacupuncture devices such as Listen (BEST), Voll, Phasix, Bicom, Mora and a host of others use virtual measurement.

    The INDIGO device measures over forty virtual dimensions. The variations of amperage and voltage flow allow measurement of capacitance and inductance. These are the reflections of static and magnetic effects of bio-electricity. Variations in amperage and voltage allow measurement of frequency.

    Changes in the voltage, amperage, and resistance together make up the reactance and susceptance of the electrical system. This is the most important measure of medication testing. Resistance alone is helpful, but when coupled with voltage and amperage the testing is greatly improved. Complete electrical reactance is the best measure of biological reactance, and multiple channels are needed to measure total reactivity.

    The bioresonance of the body can be measured in this way: the reaction of the body to the frequencies of nosodes (pathological), isodes (chemical), allersodes (allergen), sarcodes (healthy tissue), classic homoeopathic medicines, herbal medicines, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, hormones, bacteria, fungus, parasites, nerves, vertebrae, muscles, and thousands of other compounds.

    The resonance of the system is measured by determining the evoked potential or reaction of the body to these compounds. Evoked potential is the electrical reaction of a patient to a stimulus. By analysing the subject's evoked potential or change in the above first 52 measures we can see the patterns of the energetic body of the subject. The speed of this reaction is very fast. The speed of reactivity is controlled by the speed of ionic exchange, this is the speed of change in metabolic reaction, approximately one hundredth of a second.

    The device is calibrated for each individual patient. To measure the 52 factors at biological speeds of one hundredths of a second requires a computer.

    In just one test over 65 million bits of data are attained from the subject. The sophistication of this data and the nature of this fractal and chaos system, requires the use of a non-linear system of analysis. A fuzzy number mathematics system of Fourier form fit is used as a basis of analysis.

    Other systems of numerical analysis are used when needed. The SCIO can detect energetic aberrations and repair them automatically. This is like a rectifying circuit in a television. The device is a new kind of technology for energetic medicine, as the system will perform without conscious intervention. The doctor and the client do not exert conscious influence over the results as the system does not notify what is being tested at the time of testing.

    'Invisible' therapy is intrinsic to human existence and intelligent energy for diagnosis and healing has been used for over 5000 years (acupuncture and homeopathy are good examples). Technology, in the form of computers that can address the vast mathematical computations of quantum physics, bring the ancient healing arts into the 21st Century, making them available to all of us.

    Emotions, thought forms, physical health, and illness all have characteristic electromagnetic waveforms. Quantum physics has provided a scientific understanding of electromagnetism, which is at the heart of energetic medicine. It has also discovered that the human system, at its most basic level, operates according to the laws of quantum physics & energetics.

    The system is a safe, powerful bio-feedback device designed for diagnosis (in the hands of medical professionals) and powerful healing. The device focuses on stress reduction and provides information on the possible origins of imbalances throughout the body. Once an imbalance has been identified, the system will utilise the comprehensive suite of therapeutic programmes in the software or recommend non-electromagnetic therapies.

    Recommended Reading: Dr William A Tiller, Science and Human Transformation, 1997. ISBN: 0-9642637-4-2

    The INDIGO device is from the lineage of QXCI and SCIO. I have been a practitioner since 2001.

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Copyright 2005 Quantum North.